
repo validation Actions fail in forks

Opened this issue · 2 comments

artmg commented

Since the introduction of validation actions, as part of the process of publishing to HACS, any forks that merge in the changes in .github/workflows will pick up those actions to run in their own local fork. It is natural that the HACS Validation action fails, as the fork is NOT registered, but it can result in annoying notifications and unnecessary errors.

For example see: https://github.com/artmg/warmup/actions

Need to investigate the cleanest, simplest way for 'forkers' to silence these actions or notifications, without disrupting their OWN workflows.

artmg commented

For repos forked a while ago, the answer will probably be to disable per fork. E.g. your repo / Settings / Actions / General / Actions permissions / Disable (or selectively allow)

According to this new repos will default to not taking workflows, and we should encourage new forkers to leave it set as such.

artmg commented

Selectively allow does not avoid this issue, I suggest that existing forks may need to Disable Actions