
Request: Map Data volume outside HA backup

Closed this issue · 2 comments

ykri commented

Hi Haberda,

I am using your addon in HASSOS.
Would it be possible to map a Volume for Nextcloud Data, that is not backed up by Homeassistant, so that a Full Backup does not include Nextcloud data as well?


Unfortunately not. The only volumes HASSOS allows you to map are /config /share /ssl /data and /media. All of those are backed up with a full backup, and HASSOS does not allow anything else. I use another add-on that manages backups for me, and have it skip the /share folder.

I am considering adding the option to map a samba share in the container, however, this will only allow nextcloud to have access to it, it can't be the primary data storage location.

ykri commented

I guess then I 'll have to always do a partial backup excluding the folder /media where I have mapped my external HDD where my NC data are.
