
Warning: Cannot resolve tags ['Ravdess_max_audio_size']

jiminbot20 opened this issue · 1 comments

when running shell file this warning occurs.


so 'Ravdess_max_audio_size' this variable needs to announce, I guess.
unlikely to this code, in ser-with-w2v2/configs/datasets/iemocap_impro.yaml, 'IEMOCAP_max_audio_size' is written

IEMOCAP_max_audio_size: 240000 #algunas corridas del exp1 no tienen esto, pero en el modelo large salta OEM sino

mrpep commented

In the case of RAVDESS it is not needed to truncate the audios because the longest one is 6 seconds long, which is a lot less than 240k samples. In the other hand, some IEMOCAP audios are longer than 15 seconds (which corresponds to 240k samples).