
Edditing pool frontend

Opened this issue · 5 comments

Hello! Can you please help me figure out, where to edit frontend of pool of hacash? In running for many clients and i would like to edit it for more stats and some worker stats search features. Where should i look at or what should i compile ? thanks !

The main function:

Miner : https://github.com/hacash/miner/blob/master/run/main/main.go
and pool worker: https://github.com/hacash/miner/blob/master/run/minerworker/main.go

build pool service and worker, just compile form these two main files.

You can find the compile comand line in comments in the code of file :


go build -ldflags '-w -s' -o hacash_node_2021_01_24_02      miner/run/main/main.go
go build -ldflags '-w -s' -o miner_poolworker_2021_01_01_01 miner/run/minerworker/main.go
go build -ldflags '-w -s' -o cmdwallet_2021_01_01_01        cmdwallet/run/main/main.go
go build -ldflags '-w -s' -o pcwallet_2021_01_01_01          pcwallet/main/main.go

Thanks! Can you please tell me how to find or calculate pools hashrate by Th/s or Ph/s ?

Thanks! Can you please tell me how to find or calculate pools hashrate by Th/s or Ph/s ?

check file : https://github.com/hacash/mint/blob/master/difficulty/value.go

function: CalculateHashWorth() and ConvertPowPowerToShowFormat()

Thanks ! https://letshash.it/hac here u can see we played a little with it, now we show pool and miners hashrate but i think it is not hashrate but total hashes converted to hashrate. Is there some way to show exactly how much TH/S they are sending realtime? Like they see on mining software? And may i ask you if you have some messenger like element, telegra, whatsapp or discord ? I would like to talk there with you ;) let me know here is my email viktor.majko@gmail.com


This issue has been open for some time now, with no activity since Feb-10-2021.
There were some questions you asked regarding Telegram/ Discord, which I will provide you.

Telegram, we have two groups [Hacash Community -- https://t.me/hacash] and [HashPool -- https://t.me/HacashPool]
Discord, we do have a group on Discord. The link, available at the bottom of the [https://hacash.org] is [https://discord.gg/evtt4bDfKu]

Lastly, have all your questions been answered, is there anything else that we can help you with.
Please let us know ...