

Closed this issue · 3 comments


since ca. two weeks don’t work the “range” anymore. Other sensors (that I use) work fine.
In the logbook I can’t find any entries.

Version of the custom_component


I have just now updated the release notes for v3.0.2

With the added support of fuel vehicles, the Range sensor was renamed Battery Autonomy

Can you check if that sensor appears correctly?


thank You for the quick reply.

It was my idea, that perhaps the sensor has now new name but why battery autonomy? Why not for example battery_range? It would be more easier for people that are not so good in such things ;-)
Yes, with autonomy appears the sensor (Renault Zoe) correctly. Thank You for Your help and great Add-on.

PS. Perhaps it ist not correct, that I write it here but it would be very helpful, when You somewhere writes, which sensors which variable give. For example I have tried to do a automation, that I get a info, when my zoe by charging send me a message by 99%. It works when I made it only with the percentage. I would also make a condition that I get the message only by charging. I don’t know what should I write by state. Charging/yes/true? A table with possibly states would be very helpful.

The reason for the name is to keep it in line with the underlying Renault API.

Regarding the states for charging status, it depends which sensor you use.

You can also see the slugs in https://github.com/hacf-fr/hassRenaultZE/blob/master/custom_components/renault/translations/sensor.en.json