
Huawei HG8010H Default Root Password

Opened this issue · 1 comments

I did not create a PR as I do not exactly know if other deployments of this device also have such passwording logic but the device that was deployed by a certain Turkish ISP that uses a blue and a yellow logo has a password that is not root or rootHW.

Instead the password is a 8 character, seemingly random string made up of lowercase/uppercase letters and numbers. It is on the back of the ONT. The password is on the regular location with the layout same as hg8010hvorr.jpg

hg8010hvorr.jpg taken from hack-gpon.github.io repository

@kero3009destiny feel free to open a PR for this type of ONT noting that the password can be found on the back of the device.

Looks like Huwaei allows the customer to provide a custom PW and that is what your ISP is using