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With some huawei MA5671A vodafone IT step 2 fails as there is no rootfs_data with committed image1.

ymodem should be implemented to flash images, like: https://github.com/ganioc/ymodem-sender-js.

Some steps are still to be investigated, but the idea is:

  1. Add ymodem (you have to find out how to import it and whether webpack is required)
  2. If step 2 fails an additional step is created that flashes the flash, since the transfer is slow, about 15 minutes, it is necessary to warn the user and implement a progress bar.

So the steps for implementation are:

  • include ymodem.
  • include progress bar in JTD.
  • test ymodem.
  • implements the logic of flash.

for the implementation of the first two points will come soon (mid-jan-23).