
[Frontend] Design and Some Implementation of Volunteer Management Page(s)

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[Frontend] Design and Some Implementation of Volunteer Management Page(s)

Description of Goals for Issue:

  • React Component that shows a list of the current volunteers
    • Have each volunteer be grabbed from a database be their own react component to be rendered
    • Display name, events signed up, etc.
  • Some backend implementations of adding/editing volunteers
    • Setting up endpoints to post and update volunteers and display volunteers from the database.

This looks like a good start!

Frontend page should make GET request to backend (/api/volunteers). The expected return response should contain a list of "Volunteer"s that should get displayed on the page.

For admins, there should be the ability to 1) delete a volunteer and 2) change the role of a volunteer. Deleting should be a DELETE request (/api/volunteer/:volunteer-id) and changing the role should be a PATCH (app.patch, /api/volunteers/:volunteer-id) request to update just the role (pass new role as data in body).