
Easy Interview Scheduling

Opened this issue · 1 comments

tko22 commented

This would be a very long epic that consists of many different issues. This will also require flushed out scope.

Obviously, building out a schedule that's dynamic in the time slots we put in is very hard. thus, we may build out something simpler that would enable us to easy email our candidates with their time slot, show that information (time slot, location, interviewers, etc) to their candidate profile page and also assign interviewers to them

Other ideas can be building out the entire scheduler, have candidates and interviewers fill in time slots on a form that adds to the database, which would then schedule everything and email everyone. This needs the flexibility of changing times (an example would be if you have already finalized times and someone needs to reschedule, you can't run the scheduling algorithm over again, you can only find another time slot that is available)

A dashboard showing all the interviews each day, throughout the week etc. would be great too

tko22 commented

greedy algorithms baby