Currently Work in Progress - yes, i know, some links don't work

Welcome to our Wiki

This is the wiki for most of the technologies we use at Hack4Impact UIUC, covering all sorts of information you will need to start developing along with some formal and explanatory documentation. You should be able to find most of your questions here. We generally use Flask to build our backend REST API service, Postgres as our persistent data store and React as our Frontend Library. If you run into problems with React, be sure to check out this first.

Getting Started

First, you must install and setup Python and Node.js on your computer. Here are the docs for Mac and Windows. You will need to understand the Bash Command Line along with Git and Git Flow for version control and Team Development Collaboration. In addition, read up on Development Guidelines.

Look to the right nav bar for the list of topics!


We've also used GraphQL for the Backend to eliminate underfetching/overfetching and MongoDB with React and Relay.

Author's Notes

If you have any questions, check the FAQs and Glossary. As you learn, you will have to read a lot, whether it's here, the official documentation for a specific tool, blog posts, stack overflow, etc. We've put together our own resources and outside resources that we believe are awesome guides, but it's up to you to explore! :)

Also, don't be afraid to ask your peers around you or in the #javascript, #python, #frontend, #backend slack channels!