
Redis on Bash on Ubuntu on Windows

sbue opened this issue · 2 comments

sbue commented

I ran into some issues when trying to set this up on my Windows computer. I installed Flask-base using Bash on Ubuntu on Windows (because Redis does not currently support Windows).

On configuring flask-base, running honcho start -f Local would result in redis.exceptions.ConnectionError: Error 111 connecting to localhost:6379. Connection refused. so I could not launch the app.

I fixed this by following this guide. For some reason I also had to also edit /etc/redis/redis.conf and replace port 6379 (default) with something different like port 6378 and then setting REDISTOGO_URL=http://localhost:6378 in Flask-base config.env

Will link this issue in README 👍 closing for now.

The link that @abhisuri97 used is no longer working but I am having the same issue.