
Pinned tabs not reloading

Opened this issue · 14 comments

The latest version of Noscript 11.4.22 is causing any tabs that are pinned to not reload on a restart.
On restart, there is no URL in the address bar of the pinned tab.

I'm using FF 88.0.1

Noscript 11.4.22

The changes between 11.4.21 and 11.4.22 are very unlikely to affect tab loading, unless your pinned tabs are data: or file:// URLs.

  1. Is that the case?
  2. Does downgrading to 11.4.21 actually help (and upgrading again break those tabs again)?

I'm using FF 88.0.1

That's an obsolete, unsafe and unsupported version. I cannot reproduce on the oldest supported Firefox ESR (102).
Is there any compelling reason for you not to upgrade?

Thanks, yes, I tried it a few times and there isn't a problem with 11.4.21.
Possibly a combination of Noscript and a different extension that could be causing this? I'm running the portable version of FF, but I shouldn't think that makes ant difference.

The pinned tab is for gmail...https://mail.google.com/mail/u/0/#inbox/.............

I'll do a portable install of the most recent FF and see if it still happens.

I also noticed that Noscript seems to be slowing down, and sometimes not loading Youtube videos. I've experimented, and it does appear to be caused by the latest version.

Possibly a combination of Noscript and a different extension that could be causing this?

Yes, it's a possibility. Does disabling all the other extensions help?

The pinned tab is for gmail...https://mail.google.com/mail/u/0/#inbox/.............

I've got a pinned GMail tab in my main Firefox profile as well, and did not notice anything weird.

I'll do a portable install of the most recent FF and see if it still happens.


It appears to be uBlock origin that's causing the problem...

I'll put up an issue on the uBlock site, but is there anything that can be done at your end?

I'll put up an issue on the uBlock site, but is there anything that can be done at your end?

  1. Have you got any non-default uBlock setting (and if that's the case, could you share them by using the "Backup to file" feature)?
  2. Does the browser console (ctrl+shift+J) and/or the content console (ctrl+shift+K on the broken pinned tab) show any NoScript-related message?
  3. Is uBlock apparently blocking anything on the pinned tab?

As far as I can tell, there's nothing related to NoScript in the console.

As far as I recall, I haven't changed any default settings in the last few months. My version of uBlock was updated about 3 weeks ago, so it's been working with NoScript until the latest update.
Would it help if I sent you the uBlock settings file?

Would it help if I sent you the uBlock settings file?

Definitely. Also, did you have a change to try on a clean profile with a fresh uBlock instance and/or a recent Firefox?

I've just had another look, and I've noticed errors starting with [NoScript]:0 Prompt Hook installation..........js:32:13

Where should I send the uBlock settings file to?

Where should I send the uBlock settings file to?

The email address on the top right of https://maone.net, thanks.

Thanks, I'll send that and the full error message.

I re-installed uBlock, with all it's default settings and a minimal filter list, but still had the same problem.
I can't work out why this should only affect a pinned tab...

Came here after investigating this issue as well on Waterfox G3, works well with UBO on 11.4.21 but not .22. Was this reported to their bugtracker? If so, where? i can't seem to find anything.

I also found this old noscript forum thread that describes the same issue, even including the workaround that ive also been using since this started happening of "Clicking the "Back" button, followed by clicking the "Forward" button, brings you back [...]". Maybe it's related?

TFWol commented

Noticed this issue too. It happens as soon as I click update on NoScript (I update my add-ons one at a time).

"Clicking the "Back" button, followed by clicking the "Forward" button, brings you back [...]". Maybe it's related?

I've had to do this as well.

Tried installing the new version of Noscript, but still having the same problem with my pinned tab.