
Is Temp. TRUST not to be exported?

Closed this issue · 4 comments

I need to be able to save and export Temp. TRUST settings as well, is this the default not to save them?

Correct, temporary permissions are not included in the exported JSON.

A way to work around this would be usingNoScript Options>Advanced>[x] Debug and looking for "temp" items in the box (which is read/write - be careful not to accidentally break your settings!)

Okay I found this,

"temp": [ "§:datatables.net", "§:adobedtm.com", "§:statuspage.io", "§:trustarc.com", "§:unpkg.com" ]

do mean I would have to either save the whole Json to a different file or just this portion and add it back in after I do a import? Also it would be nice to add a setting giving the user the option to keep Temp. TRUST. Could this be added to your next release?

I would have to either save the whole Json to a different file

Copying the whole JSON in a file and pasting it back later in the same text area is roughly equivalent to an export + import.

Also it would be nice to add a setting giving the user the option to keep Temp. TRUST. Could this be added to your next release?

Not the next, probably, but putting it in my TODO list.

Copying the whole JSON in a file and pasting it back later in the same text area is roughly equivalent to an export + import.

Will do...

Not the next, probably, but putting it in my TODO list.

Sounds good, thanks......