
Noscript blocks other sites from loading if a script in a tab has excessive usage

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Zapeth commented

If a script in a tab has excessive usage (ie you cant interact with the site content anymore and/or an according browser notification pops up, asking if you want to stop the script), it seems that this also causes Noscript to hang, which blocks loading of sites in other tabs as well.

If I disable Noscript, other sites can still be (re)loaded in new tabs, even if a script in one of them is unresponsive.

I'm not sure if this is related to #269, but at least the observed behavior is the same (tabs that are blocked from loading remain in that state until Noscript becomes available again).

This is an example how I can reproduce this:

  • load some online code editor (I used http://demo.icecoder.net/ICEcoder/)
  • paste a sizeable chunk of text (~3000 lines)
  • do a vertical select over the entire text (alt+cursor drag)
  • modify the text (add/delete a character)
  • the page should become unresponsive for a bit (possibly with a browser notification)
  • try to (re)load a page in a different tab while the tab is unresponsive, it will not be loaded until it becomes responsive again

Tested with Firefox 102.12.0-esr (Win7 x64), Noscript 11.4.22