
Possivel falso positivo apresentando mensagem de erro.

Opened this issue · 2 comments

Hello NoScript Team!

Can you explain what is happening? I just had my yahoo email open and this message appeared asking me to block it. I didn't copy the links to be added here, unfortunately, but the image shows if the noscript extension needs any correction.

Captura de tela de 2023-12-07 12-25-13

According to the Twitter team via DM, they said that the problem is with the noscript extension. Can you check?

Captura de tela de 2023-12-07 12-43-49

The browser currently used is LibreWolf with Fedora 39.

Thank you for your report.

I'm OCRing the message from your first screenshot to check what's going on exactly, but I can already tell you it's a false positive and will be fixed in next stable NoScript version.

I've extracted the URL from your screenshot and tested it, but I could not reproduce the issue, which was likely due to a temporary overload of your CPU: the "DOS timeout" limit is 20 seconds, and processing that took less than 1 second on my system for the asynchronous XSS filter.

However, should this happen again, please try to copy the whole message from the dialog (the text is made selectable & copyable on purpose).
