
Page does not load correctly when Firefox started with URL in Private Mode (e.g. from KeePass)

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I had had this effect multiple times, but eventually I think I found a pattern (Firefox ESR 115.7.0 (32-bit, Windows 64-bit), NOSCRIPT 11.4.29):
In many KeePass entries I added the URL for security reasons. When I use KeePass' context menu to "URLs->Open with Firefox (Private)" to open a page with blocked scripts in Firefox' private mode (when no Firefox is running yet), then the following happens:
I temporarily unblock the scripts, but the page does not load. It does not load even when I reload the page or force-reload the page.
I verified that the scripts are unblocked, but the page does not load.

Then I tried this: Copy the URL to the clipboard, open a new tab, paste the URL, press Enter: The page loads as expected.

Also when I open Firefox in private mode first, and then paste the URL, the effect does not occur. Still I'm unsure whether that's a bug in Firefox or in NOSCRIPT. Before finding the suspect use pattern, I almost despaired "why doesn't it work today?"