
Broken Ctrl+U (view source page) in Firefox 78.15 ESR (regression from version 11.4.22 and above).

Opened this issue · 1 comments


OS Win 7 Pro x64 SP1, Firefox 78.15 ESR x64.

  1. run Firefox 78.15 ESR with new clear profile (no installed extensions)
  2. install latest NoScript 11.4.29 (https://addons.mozilla.org/en-US/firefox/addon/noscript/)
  3. restart Firefox
  4. open page https://noscript.net/ and press Ctrl+U

Expected result: opening tab"view-source:https://noscript.net/"
Result: opening new empty tab (no url).

NoScript 11.4.21 working normal.
NoScript 11.4.22 and above non-opening tab"view-source" after press Ctrl+U in Firefox 78.15.


I compared two files "manifest.json":


For solve problem i edited file "manifest.json" 11.4.29:
in block "content_scripts" i chahged "match_about_blank" to "false".

 "run_at": "document_start",
  "matches": [
  "match_about_blank": false,
  "all_frames": true,
  "js": [

After this fix hotkey Ctrl+U work correctly in Firefox 78.15 ESR.

Problem commit cb5a312