
Adding Sign Up page

Closed this issue · 6 comments

Adding Sign Up page

I would like to work on this issue.
I just have to implement the UI right? and not the backend?

I would like to work on this issue.
I will implement both UI and backend.

I would like to work on this issue. I will implement both UI and backend.

@anugoyal998 Go ahead.

I would like to work on this issue. I will implement both UI and backend.

@anugoyal998 Go ahead.

can you briefly describe the UI part and the type of signup page you want like passwordless signup or password signup
and, do I also need to send email (if using email authentication) to users for verifying the email?

I would like to work on this issue. I will implement both UI and backend.

@anugoyal998 Go ahead.

can you briefly describe the UI part and the type of signup page you want like passwordless signup or password signup and, do I also need to send email (if using email authentication) to users for verifying the email?

Password signup, If you use email authentication that will be great, it's upto you.

@madihamallick I have made the PR for the signup page