Reproducibility package for the article:

An introduction to the bootstrap: a versatile method to make inferences by using data-driven simulations Rousselet G.A., Pernet C.R., Wilcox R.R. Meta-Psychology

[OSF repository] [GitHub repository] [PsyArXiv Preprint]

The repository contains all of the R code used in the article. The code is best seen by running the RMarkdown notebooks, within RStudio.

The code is released under the MIT license. Copyright 2019-2022, Guillaume A. Rousselet.

The figures are released under the CC-BY 4.0 license. Copyright 2019-2022, Rousselet, Pernet & Wilcox.


folder description
code R .Rmd files to run simulations and create figures
notebooks pdf versions of the code, with embedded figures
data simulation results needed to run the code
figures all the figures used in the article, in pdf format (only available on the OSF version of the repo)
functions extra R functions defined in text files
docs Github html versions of the notebooks (only available on the GitHub version of the repo)


The notebooks contain code to reproduce the figures and analyses presented in the article. They also contain extra resources, figures and analyses.

Notebook Description Figures
pb Description of the percentile bootstrap Figure 1
pc Percent correct example Figure 2
sampdist Illustrate bootstrap sampling distributions Figures 3-4
coverage Simulations of the coverage, width and power of one-sample confidence intervals Figures 5, 7, 8
notrobust On its own, the bootstrap does not guarantee robustness Figure 6
2indgps Compare 2 independent groups Figure 9
compcorr Comparison of correlation coefficients Figures 10-11
2depgps Illustrate hierarchical bootstrap sampling Figure 12
ptb Percentile-t bootstrap technique Figures 13-14

Direct links to the PDF version of the figures on the OSF

Figure 1

Figure 2

Figure 3

Figure 4

Figure 5

Figure 6

Figure 7

Figure 8

Figure 9

Figure 10

Figure 11

Figure 12

Figure 13

Figure 14

R packages needed

If you want to run the code in RStudio, you will need to install a few packages.

To reproduce the figures only, you can install the required packages by typing this in the console:

install.packages(c("ggplot2", "tibble"))

Or you can navigate in the GUI to Tools > Install Packages...

To install rogme and facetscales, first you might need to install devtools:





To reproduce the summary figures, you also need cowplot to combine panels:


Finally, if you decide to run the simulations, you will need beepr to get a little auditory reward:


Additional R functions

Here we highlight a few R functions relevant to the tutorial. Most of them are listed in the RMarkdown notebooks, with example syntax. Each notebook will install the appropriate functions for you; otherwise, in the console you can type source(file.choose()) and select the relevant .txt file.

Robust estimation and hypothesis testing

To get all the statistical functions from Rand Wilcox, select the Rallfun-v40.txt file. See details on this webpage. The full description of the functions is available in the book Introduction to Robust Estimation and Hypothesis Testing. Here are some of the functions used or mentioned in the notebooks.


Name Description
onesampb one-sample percentile bootstrap for any estimator
sint parametric inference on the median
trimci one-sample test on trimmed means
trimpb percentile bootstrap inferences on trimmed means
trimcibt bootstrap-t on trimmed means
hdpb percentile bootstrap inferences on the Harrell-Davis quantile estimator

Two independent groups

Name Description
yuen t-test on trimmed means
yuenbt bootstrap-t on trimmed means
pb2gen percentile bootstrap to compare any estimators
medpb2 same as pb2gen but only to compare medians
trimpb2 same as pb2gen but only to compare trimmed means
comvar2 parametric test to compare variances

Two dependent groups

Name Description
yuend t-test on dependent trimmed means
ydbt bootstrap-t on trimmed means
comdvar parametric test of variances
bootdpci percentile bootstrap using any estimator


Name Description
pcorb percentile bootstrap confidence interval for Pearson's correlation
corb percentile bootstrap confidence interval for any robust correlation
wincor winsorised correlation
pbcor percentage bend correlation
mscor skipped correlations using Pearson's or Spearman's correlation

Compare independent correlations

Name Description
twopcor percentile bootstrap comparison of two independent Pearson's correlations
twocor percentile bootstrap comparison of two independent robust correlations

Compare dependent correlations

Name Description
TWOpov compare two overlapping Pearson's correlations
twoDcorR compare two overlapping robust correlations
TWOpNOV compare two non-overlapping Pearson's correlations
twoDNOV compare two non-overlapping robust correlations

Other custom functions

functions.txt and theme_gar.txt contain custom code to set some ggplot2 parameters and to compute a few things. Other custom functions are defined in the notebooks.

Extra resources

R packages for bootstrap inferences

Interactive demo

Frequentist inference: confidence interval & bootstrap


Suggested books on bootstrap methods, robust statistics and simulations.

An Introduction to the Bootstrap

Robust Statistics

Introduction to Robust Estimation and Hypothesis Testing

Computer Age Statistical Inference

Statistics: Unlocking the Power of Data

Introduction to Statistical Investigations

Mathematical Statistics with Resampling and R