
Deploy not working on Travis

nicoddemus opened this issue · 0 comments

The latest build failed with this error:

Deploying to ghpages-https
  Build cache: /home/travis/.cache/lektor/builds/8d87c128cb381431fda24c099f94b62b
  Target: ghpages+https://hackebrot/pytest-tricks.git
  Initialized empty Git repository in /home/travis/build/hackebrot/pytest-tricks/temp/.deploytempv7n3Hf/scratch/.git/
  Fetching origin
  remote: Repository not found.
  fatal: repository 'https://github.com/hackebrot/pytest-tricks.git.git/' not found
  error: Could not fetch origin
  remote: Repository not found.
  fatal: repository 'https://github.com/hackebrot/pytest-tricks.git.git/' not found

Unfortunately I have no knowledge about lektor to try to fix it.