Recruit volunteers for team open roles
Opened this issue · 2 comments
- need to recruit new team members to the UI/UX Community of Practice
We need volunteer(s) to work on the open issues we have so that we can move the project forward.
Action Items
Creating a new role post
- Copy the template post from the Community of Practice WIKI, Open Roles Templates (Resource 1.01)
- Paste the template in a comment below
- Customize the comment to reflect your open role
- Open a new issue by using the Open Role template (Resource 1.02)
- Copy and Paste your customized comment to the new issue
- Add the label for the role that you are recruiting for
- Submit the new issue
- Assign yourself to the new issue
- Add the issue to the HfLA: Open Roles project board (Resource 1.03)
- add the link of the new issue to the related comment on this issue
- keep yourself assigned to this issue until the role is filled
Marketing the new role post
- Post a link to the new issue in the Slack channel for the related Practice Area
- Copy the Slack message (Resource 1.04)
- Copy the message into the Slack Channel for the relevant Community of Practice (The Slack channels can be found on Resource 1.01)
- Replace the text
[Replace with LINK TO NEW ISSUE]
with link to the issue
- Replace the text
- check your team Slack channel for people reaching out after every onboarding and at least every other day
Once Filled
- Hide the comment on this issue for the role you just filled
- Add the following comment to the role posting issue
This role has been filled by @[Replace with GITHUB HANDLE OF PERSON WHO IS TAKING ROLE]
- Close the role posting issue
- Unassign yourself from this issue
- If there are no open roles on this issue (i.e., if there are open roles, there will be unclosed comments)
- Add the label: Dependency and uncheck the dependency on top of this issue
- Move this issue to the icebox, on the project board
- 1.01 Community of Practice WIKI, Open Roles Templates, Secondary Issue
- 1.02 [Replace with OPEN ROLE TEMPLATE]
- 1.03 HfLA: Open Roles board
- 1.04 Copy to post in CoP Slack Channels when there is an open role
Hi, the UI/UX Community of Practice has a volunteer posting, which includes details of how to get in touch with us if you are interested. [Replace with LINK TO NEW ISSUE]
Community of Practice Co-Lead
Project Name: UI/UX Community of Practice
About the Project: Host weekly meetings, onboard new joiners, arrange talks, organize workshops, and guide new volunteers in their journey at Hack for LA and through their career development in UI/UX Design, Research, Writing and/or ResearchOps. Check out more info under Resources.
Volunteer Opportunity: Community of Practice Co-Lead
Duration: Ongoing
Minimum 3-6 months commitment
Meeting times
Who to communicate your interest to
- Slack channel link: #UI/UX
- Slack name of person to contact in the channel: see who this issue is assigned to and @ message them in the channel above
Post from previous UI/UX Design open roles board, Filled column
copy code
~~**Project Name**: UI/UX CoP Branding~~
**About the Project**: The UI/UX CoP is looking to develop a logo, slide deck template for presentations, and other components for the UI/UX CoP.
**Volunteer Opportunity**: We are looking for 2-3 UI Designers to create a logo and branding for the UI/UX CoP.
**Duration**: 3 months
**Who to communicate your interest to**:
- Slack channel link: [#ui-ux](
- Slack name of person to contact in the channel: Jennifer Nguyen
[Read more about the project](
viewable code
Project Name: UI/UX CoP Branding
About the Project: The UI/UX CoP is looking to develop a logo, slide deck template for presentations, and other components for the UI/UX CoP.
Volunteer Opportunity: We are looking for 2-3 UI Designers to create a logo and branding for the UI/UX CoP.
Duration: 3 months
Who to communicate your interest to:
- Slack channel link: #ui-ux
- Slack name of person to contact in the channel: Jennifer Nguyen