

Opened this issue · 2 comments

  • Context: The UX Research and Design team needed the Product Team to review and suggest the Goals and KPIs for the Home Page Redesign and Research Plan they are doing.

  • Task: On 11/08/2021 I participated in the review of the business goals of the "HfLA Homepage Redesign Research Plan" with the Product Team. I did this by suggesting to reframe objectives to make them more actionable and proposed key performance indicators (KPIs) to track.

  • For example, I suggested reframing the objective from "motivate" to "increase" and a KPI: Increase by 10% the number of new volunteers for the quarter or by December 2021. KPI: Number of new volunteers.

  • Context: In the management of the Project Board. Issues in the column "New Issue Approval" are issues created by Design and Dev team for the Product team to review before moving into the Ice Box or the prioritized backlog. Some of them labeled "Ready for milestone" need Product Managers to review them and assign the appropriate milestone and move them into the prioritized backlog.

  • Task: On 18/08/2021 I reviewed some issues that were "ready for milestone", and assigned the appropriate milestone.

  • For example, I reviewed issues related to "credits", and "privacy" like the usage of images on the HFLA website, and assigned them to the milestone "Compliance" for them to be categorized in the prioritized backlog for other issues with the same milestone.