
Create a NEW One Sheet: Google Drive Migration

Closed this issue · 2 comments


Create the project one sheet so it can be shared with stakeholders and funders.

Action Items

  • Check to confirm project does not already have a one sheet
  • Make a copy of the one sheet template and store in the product management google drive/one sheet revisions
  • Review one sheet and check off items on the checklist to see what it might be missing.
  • Setup a meeting with the PM to go over the project to confirm what information on the sheet is up to date and what needs revision.


  • Include project logo (top right)
  • Overview
  • History and or last 6 months
  • Partners
  • Roadmap/next 6 months
  • Contact email (footer)
  • Github URL (footer)
  • Link to project page on hackforla.org (footer)
  • Slack channel (footer)
  • Last updated date (footer)
  • Hack for LA logo (bottom right)


Check issue #3 for sample one sheets
One Sheet Template
Draft One Sheet
Hack for LA logo png
HfLA logo
Figjam file
Figma-google drive migration workflow

Project overview:
users outside of domain to have access to share drives (google) ---but prior, only way to share files was to setup email address (which comes with drives storage) and put all of the files into a folder into that email's drive

^^100s of files--all files are owned by people who created
if someone disconnects/remove someone from that drive all of their files disappear with them
need to use google's new feature (shared drive) --> need to move all files into the shared drive but only owner can move them

PROJECT (20-50% completion) :
identify what files need to be move
reach out to members about files (set meetings? 1 on1? group?)
establish new file structure
setup permissions for pms

one on ones
sent emails to get people
slack as well
pms of each project to do it
orgs direct exes as well
CoP leads as well
template for auditing the drive (old hackforla.org)

Goal: to do as little work as possible, to get those pms to be responsible for their files. create operational efficiencies such as creating guides. By the time internship is over, all files migrated .

*look up one sheets on website to see history models

One sheet completed as of 6/23/22
Required: review with PMs at later date to update, confirm, and edit one sheet content.