
figure out how to support https

Closed this issue · 10 comments

figure out how to support https

Some background here, this is currently hosted on Netlify, but the DNS is also being managed through Cloudflare. Netlify makes it pretty easy to activate and force https, but that process is erroring out. It's largely automated and there's not much of a log to see what the actual problem is, but I'm assuming it's because of Cloudflare.

I think we can probably ditch Cloudflare. Netlify already provides global CDN deployment and load balancing, in addition to its hosting and continuous deployment, so Cloudflare becomes kind of redundant. More on that here from the Netlify folks: https://www.netlify.com/blog/2017/03/28/why-you-dont-need-cloudflare-with-netlify/

It's not quite as simple as ditch Cloudflare as we manage DNS settings for things like G suite and such on Cloudflare now. Originally we were less concerned with the need for a CDN (though it was nice), than needing a better interface for managing DNS as the domain registrar hackforla.org is purchased through is a pain to use.

I'm working on moving the domain over to the domain registrar I have all my business accounts on, which also allows multiple user accounts to share DNS management of a single domain. I didn't want to do it before this week's event -- but I'll kick it off this weekend and just eat the renewal cost.

This is looking good: https://www.hackforla.org/. Does anything else need to be done here?

@jjandoc hrmm, it's showing up like this for me:


Oh, I must've gotten a cached version.

Switching from Absolute Urls to Relative urls will resolve all those errors

None of these assets are coded as absolute. Those are CDN urls that are being swapped in. Looks like that's happening on the Netlify end of things since https://hackforla.netlify.com/ also has CDN'ed URLs, though with the correct protocol. I'll leave this up to you, @vykster, since I think this is all DNS/CDN related. There's a little more info about DNS updates on the Netlify side here: https://www.netlify.com/docs/custom-domains/#netlify-dns. Let me know if you want me to add you a collaborator on the Netlify account.

@jjandoc @vykster any recent movement on this issue? I'm happy to help look into things, if I can be added as a collaborator on Netlify.

As a slightly related aside, GitHub pages now supports HTTPS for custom domains!

@thekaveman sweeet! I'll add you and @matikin9 to the DNS and you can take it from there.

Closing. I think this was solved on the newer site.