
Setting title for each textField

brbgyn opened this issue · 6 comments

Hi, i'm trying to set a tittle for the keyboard toolbar for each text field...

I managed to set a fixed title, by adding a UIBarButtonItem between 2 "nilButton"...

What i'm trying to do now is change this title every time the selected textFiled is change, to show, for example, the title "Name" when the name texfield is being filled, "Date" when the date textfield is being filled....

How should i do that ?

Thank you

Do you want to set the title of the UIToolbar?

I want to set the title of the toobar that is created above the keyboard...

Look at this screenshot:

foto 22-02-14 15 29 39

Where there is a "Titulo", i want to change to "Data da Compra", "Data do Vencimento"... etc.. according to the field selected.

Thanks for giving me an idea to enhance a new feature in IQKeyboardManager. You are doing right dude. I will implement thhis new functionality very soon.

Added a property to automanage placeholder titles.
[[IQKeyboardManager sharedManager] setShouldShowTextFieldPlaceholder:YES];

You are welcome and thank you !

Thanks for giving new idea.