Error: Type 'FBoneReference' is not supported by blueprint.
grigorovich opened this issue · 5 comments
Doesn't compiles. Fragment from Log :
Parsing headers for Test_IK_2Editor
Running UnrealHeaderTool "/Volumes/Media/Test_IK_2/Intermediate/Build/Mac/Test_IK_2Editor/Development/Test_IK_2Editor.uhtmanifest" -LogCmds="loginit warning, logexit warning, logdatabase error" -Unattended -WarningsAsErrors -installed
/Volumes/Media/Test_IK_2/Plugins/rtik/Source/rtik/Public/IK/IK.h(188) : LogCompile: Error: Type 'FBoneReference' is not supported by blueprint. IKBone.BoneRef
/Volumes/Media/Test_IK_2/Plugins/rtik/Source/rtik/Public/IK/AnimNode_RangeLimitedFabrik.h(64) : LogCompile: Error: Type 'FBoneReference' is not supported by blueprint. AnimNode_RangeLimitedFabrik.EffectorTransformBone
Error: UnrealHeaderTool failed for target 'Test_IK_2Editor' (platform: Mac, module info: /Volumes/Media/Test_IK_2/Intermediate/Build/Mac/Test_IK_2Editor/Development/Test_IK_2Editor.uhtmanifest, exit code: OtherCompilationError (5)).
"/Volumes/Media/Test_IK_2/Test_IK_2.uproject" "/Volumes/Media/Test_IK_2/Intermediate/Build/Mac/Test_IK_2Editor/Development/Test_IK_2Editor.uhtmanifest" -LogCmds="loginit warning, logexit warning, logdatabase error" -Unattended -WarningsAsErr
ors -installed
CompilerResultsLog: Error: /Volumes/Media/Test_IK_2/Plugins/rtik/Source/rtik/Public/IK/IK.h(188) : LogCompile: Error: Type 'FBoneReference' is not supported by blueprint. IKBone.BoneRef
CompilerResultsLog: Error: /Volumes/Media/Test_IK_2/Plugins/rtik/Source/rtik/Public/IK/AnimNode_RangeLimitedFabrik.h(64) : LogCompile: Error: Type 'FBoneReference' is not supported by blueprint. AnimNode_RangeLimitedFabrik.EffectorTransformBone
CompilerResultsLog: Error: UnrealHeaderTool failed for target 'Test_IK_2Editor' (platform: Mac, module info: /Volumes/Media/Test_IK_2/Intermediate/Build/Mac/Test_IK_2Editor/Development/Test_IK_2Editor.uhtmanifest, exit code: OtherCompilationError (5)).
UE 4.18 Preview 2
I wasn't able to replicate this in 4.16, so this may be a 4.18 issue. I'll try upgrading the project and see what happens.
Btw, your code is very nice and ive tested on pc and mac but shows that 2 errors. So if you will fix 'FBoneReference' then i could be check your solver on mac/ios/android platforms with performance profiler.
Looks like Epic made a few changes which made my code incompatible. I went ahead and upgraded the project, it seems to work with 4.17 and 4.18 preview 2 now.
Let me know if this solves the issue. Thanks for the bug report and kind words!
No probs.
'FBoneReference' error is gone but has new.
I sent log to your mailbox. Description is there as well
Thanks for sending the log!
I wasn't able to replicate this issue in 4.17 - it's compiling with no errors or warnings on a fresh project. Can you please try the following:
- Clone the latest version of this repo. You should only need the Plugins/ directory.
- Place the Plugins/ directory in your project base directory
- Delete Intermediate/ and Binaries/ directories
- 'Generate Project Files' and rebuild
It looks like your building on a Mac, so if this doesn't work, it's likely a Mac issue. Unfortunately, I don't own a Mac, so far I've only tested on Windows 10!