
Copyright update to 2016

Closed this issue · 5 comments

I don't have a way to test this so I don't want to send a pull request and ruin your website, but what you can do instead of just putting "Copyright 2015" and needing to update it every year is this:

<div id="copyright">
            <footer class="inner">
                    <script type="text/javascript">
                    var d = new Date();
                    </script> Hacker Society</p>

(can probably make that shorter but I'm rubbish at javascript)

which should come out like © 2016 Hacker Society

test it to be sure though :)

What about people with <noscript>?

can probs add a generic copyright line between noscript tags. or just not use the auto javascript and manually put it to 2016

I'm fine with either of those two options

@mrb113 I'm gonna close this unless you'd like to give it another go