
Cannot read that as a ZipFile Unexpected size (0x0001) for Extended Timestamp extra field at position xxx

crackleeeessyp opened this issue · 2 comments

I have a zip file that can be open and extract by zip software, however, when I use this library to open this file, it show the error as below:

Cannot read that as a ZipFile  Unexpected size (0x0001) for Extended Timestamp extra field at position 0x0000000001C0A8EB

Not sure what's wrong with it, and is there a workaround to make it work?

It would be helpful if you could provide some sample code and a sample zip file that reproduce this issue. Also, when you say that it can be opened and extracted by "zip software" is there a particular zip software you are referring to?

It can be read and extract by 7z, and can also be extract by the c# build in zip API: System.IO.Compression.ZipFile.ExtractToDirectory, but cannot be read by dotnet zip: ZipFile.Read(zipPath) and will throw exception:

Cannot read that as a ZipFile Unexpected size (0x0001) for Extended Timestamp extra field at position xxx

This is the test zip file:

Due to the size limitation, I upload it here: https://wwbu.lanzoum.com/ikdY60mrxn7i