
Flutter Client for the stability.ai GRPC protocol, should be compatible with grpc.stability.ai and hafriedlander/stable-diffusion-grpcserver

Primary LanguageDart


This is idea2.art, a Flutter client for the stability.ai GRPC API for Stable Diffusion.

It's usable both with the cloud-based grpc.stability.ai and a personal server running hafriedlander/stable-diffusions-grpcapi

TLDR; it's a client to generate AI art


Easiest way is just to visit https://idea2.art (or http://idea2.art depending on if your server is running https or not)

Or get flutter installed, and then flutter run web. At the moment you will need the preview version of flutter (3.4.x) as there is a bug with converting canvases to images in 3.3.x.

You will need to have https://github.com/hafriedlander/stable-diffusion-grpcserver running to connect to, as there are no public servers at the moment.

(Theoretically you could also use api.stability.ai, but outpainting doesn't work very well if you do)


For now, Affero GPL 3.0 - https://www.gnu.org/licenses/agpl-3.0.en.html

I will consider a less restrictive license later maybe.