This is a wrapper for MAGMA, to easily analyze pathways from MSigDB and selected "psychiatric pathways" (link to pathway source is provided in the programme), Open Targets, gene families and drug gene-sets (reference soon to be available; if you want to use the drug results/data, please contact us).
1- Clone repository.
2- Download ancestry reference directory (g1000_ref.tar.gz). Decompress it inside main directory.
3- Inside main directory, install packages by running "./"
4- Simple command to run all pathways: ./ nameofgwas nameofoutput samplesize
Example: ./ example_GWAS/Alzheimer ./example 10000
If you want to use the drug data in your paper, please contact us ( If you use our scripts for your paper, please remember to cite us (, by Héléna A. Gaspar, Social, Genetic & Developmental Psychiatry Centre, King's College London)
Main output files:
1- HTML files: result tables and bubble plots
2- xls file: gathering all gene-wise and pathway results
3- pdf files: gene pathway qq plots, top genes and pathways, gene manhattan plot