🪣 Deploy a Public Read S3 Bucket Using CloudFormation

In this example, I create a simple CloudFormation template that deploys a public read S3 bucket.

📁 File Structure

├── README.md       
└── bucket.YAML  # CloudFormation template

📝 Instructions

Deploy Stack

aws cloudformation deploy --template-file ./bucket.YAML --stack-name demo-public-s3-bucket

Update Stack

aws cloudformation update-stack --template-body file://./bucket.YAML --stack-name demo-public-s3-bucket

Delete Stack

1. Delete all the objects in the bucket

aws s3 rm s3://demo-public-s3-bucket --recursive

2. Delete the stack

aws cloudformation delete-stack --stack-name demo-public-s3-bucket

✨ Result

Now everyone can see the file in this S3 bucket. ScreenShot2022-11-28at11.02.06@2x