
Add "Cloud Builder" support to haikuporter

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Haiku can be booted in several cloud environments. (Digital Ocean, AWS, Vultr)
With the cloud_init hpkg in Haikuports, the VM's can be provisioned on the fly at startup by the cloud providers above.


In theory, haikuporter could perform Haiku package builds at any cloud provider via a few API calls followed by an SSH connection.

  1. haikuporter Provision new Haiku VM via API calls
  2. haikuporter SSH keys provisioned via cloud_init in booting VM.
  3. haikuporter SSH's to new server
  4. Builds happen
  5. haikuporter gets artifacts
  6. haikuporter destroys the Haiku VM via API calls.
  • 1 is the most work needed, should be cloud agnostic and extendable
  • 2 isn't really much work
  • 3 already happens today over ssh, just needs dynamic IP fed to it from step 1
  • 4 already happens today over ssh
  • 5 already happens today over ssh
  • 6 is similar to 1 in reverse