
Skip creation of git repository if a recipe contains no patches or PATCH function

Closed this issue · 5 comments

This could be a performance improvement for recipes that don't require patching.

For PATCHES this could be decided for each source directory separately. If there is a PATCH() function, this applies to all sources.

The git repository is mainly useful if you want to make changes and get them using --extract-patchset. For applying patches it isn't really needed (this can be done using patch or could be done using quilt or other tools).

You can already use the -G/--no-git-repo option of haikuporter if you don't need a git repo (if you don't plan to do any patching).

I think you are right, this can be handled best with the command line option (if I remember to use it ...).

OscarL commented

I still think the idea has merit, at least for the use case doing maintenance work (updating/testing) on lots of recipes (as the case of removing static libs, or the Python related changes).

In that use case, an "inverse -G" would be preferable. Maybe something behind a config option?

Or I should just patch my local haikuporter, I guess :-D

Yes, several of the command line flags should also be config options. But it is not so easy with the current architecture to have both, I think

OscarL commented

I've just noticed that the buildmasters don't use "-G". Eg:

Initialized empty Git repository in /boot/home/haikuports/net-misc/lagrange/work-x86-1.15.7/sources/lagrange-1.15.7/.git/

Maybe they should, even if only to speedup the builds a bit? :-D