
datasource "ami" failed to render template when using aws config with profile using "sso_session" parameter.

steffakasid opened this issue · 14 comments


I have a '~/aws' config file which looks like

sso_session = sso-session
sso_account_id = ACCOUNT_ID_TEST
region = eu-central-1
output = json

[profile test]
retry_mode = adaptive
max_attempts = 20
output = json
region = eu-central-1
sso_session = sso-session
sso_account_id = ACCOUNT_ID_TEST

[profile prod]
retry_mode = adaptive
max_attempts = 20
output = json
region = eu-central-1
sso_session = sso-session
sso_account_id = ACCOUNT_ID_PROD

[sso-session sso-session]
sso_region = eu-central-1
sso_start_url = https://my-sso.endpoint
sso_role_name = myRole

This works fine with aws cli and kubectl. Unfortunately when I use gomplate I get the following error:

12:11:25 ERR  error="failed to render template cluster.template.yaml: template: cluster.template.yaml:3:15: executing \"cluster.template.yaml\" at <datasource \"ami\">: error calling datasource: profile \"test\" is configured to use SSO but is missing required configuration: sso_region, sso_role_name, sso_start_url"

I'm using the ami datasource like {{- $amiID := (datasource "ami").Value -}}

gomplate version is gomplate version 3.11.5`.

This might be an issue of So not sure if this is here the right place. If not please let me know.

Kind regards

Hi @steffakasid - sorry for the delay. I presume you're setting AWS_PROFILE=test which is how it's picking up that profile?

I wonder if this is a bug with the SDK - unfortunately gomplate's using a fairly old version of it even in the main branch, due to a bug that I haven't had time to track down.

Perhaps you could build from main and see if that works?

Also - what is the full commandline? In particular, how is the ami datasource defined?

HI @hairyhenderson,

I'll try to build the main branch with the latest version later and let you know if that work. I also think that this is a bug in the aws go sdk. I use it in one of my projects and there everything works fine...

The datasource and command run is the follwing:

export K8S_VERSION=$(kubectl version -o json | jq -r '.serverVersion.major+"."+.serverVersion.minor[:2]')

gomplate -f cluster.template.yaml -d config=config.yaml -d ami=aws+smp:/eks/$K8S_VERSION/image_id

Kind Regard

Do you think it would be easily possible to switch to aws-sdk-go-v2?

looks like especially the handling of configuration changed.

I upggraded the aws-sdk-go:

And it works. My template got rendered and I can see the AMI_ID is set.

I was wrong. I missed to change my ~/.aws/config. I'll check if I can change gomplate to use aws-sdk-go-v2.

We can't move to aws-sdk-go-v2 just yet in gomplate - but when v4 is released it'll move to using go-fsimpl, which uses aws-sdk-go-v2 (see #1336).

I've been able to figure out the broken tests that were blocking me from upgrading aws-sdk-go, and so as of #1913 we're now up-to-date there.

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@steffakasid FYI there's a 4.0 prerelease available now - can you test it out and see if that solves this issue?

Sure i'll take a look tomorrow at work.

It looks like this is still an issue even with aws-sdk-go-v2. I'll create an issue there: aws/aws-sdk-go#5153

Hrm... One other thing you could test, which might rule out something gomplate is doing, is try with the example fscli command in go-fsimpl. Install it with go install and then try something like:

$ fscli -base-url=aws+smp:///eks/1.27/image_id ls

the aws+smp stuff is working fine. When I change back my .aws/config I can run the template with gomplat v4

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