Pizza Parlor

version 1.0

Click Here to jump to TESTS


  • Hans Schroeder

The Site

Technologies Used

  • HP Laptop with Windows 10
  • GitBash and GitHub
  • VS Code

Resources Used

  1. Mozilla Developer Network documentation
  2. Learn How To Program The curriculum for Epicodus students.
  3. w3Schools documentation on CSS stylings as well as jQuery A free web resource for coding and programming.
  4. "Eloquent JavaScript 3rd Edition" by Marijn Haverbeke
  5. jQuery API documentation, for understanding how to use loops and arrays with checkbox data
  7. YouTube


This web app is an exercise in understanding Object Oriented Programming by means of a Pizza Parlor ordering form. The user is prompet to select what size pizza they want, and what toppings they would like, and then have the total returned back to them.


  • Clone this repository to your desktop
  • Navigate to the top level of the directory
  • Open index.html in your browser
  • All you need to view this site is an internet connected device
  • As a public repository, a GitHub account is not required but it is recommended

Known Bugs

In it's current state, the site is working without any bugs. That being said, there is little to no styling done, so therefore little room for bugs to pop up.




Hans J Schroeder 2022



TEST 1.)

  • TEST: It should return a Pizza object with toppings and a size indication
  • CODE: let firstPizza= new Pizza("medium" ["topping1", "topping2"], )
  • Expected Outcome: Pizza {size: "medium", toppings: ["topping1", "topping2]}
  • TEST STATUS: Passing

TEST 2.)

  • TEST: It should inlude a price property for the constructor
  • CODE: let firstPizza = new Pizza("medium", ["topping1", "topping2"], 0)
  • EXPECTED OUTCOME: Pizza {size: "medium", toppings: ["topping1", "topping2"]}
  • TEST STATUS: Passing
  • NOTE: This property was later deleted and was incorporated into the prototype for this constructor

DESCRIBE: Pizza.prototype.pizzaPrice()

TEST 1.)

  1. TEST: It should assign a value to the size
  2. CODE: let firstPizza = new Pizza("small", ["topping1", "topping2"])
  3. EXPECTED OUTCOME: firstPizza.pizzaPrice() //10 TEST STATUS: Passing

TEST 2.)

  1. TEST: It should add the toppings to the value
  2. CODE: firstPizza = new Pizza("small, {"topping2", "topping2"})
  3. EXPECTED OUTCOME firstPizza.pizzaPrice(12)
  • TEST STATUS: Passing