
no internet?

sigmamale1980 opened this issue · 1 comments

GitBunnyGit payload <-----

followed the instructions precisely:

  1. Run bb.sh (pause at main menu)
  2. Plug in da bunny
  3. Connect (type 'c') 5 seconds after the white light
  4. You can now ssh into the bunny (Run tail -f /var/log/git.log to montior progress)

but still gives red led & indicates no internet though i am able to ssh & preform apt-get update with
no problems.

any thoughts ? BTW .. i`m using Debian
thx in adv

Ok so i figured it out! just commented out from payload.txt:

#Test for internet connection
#wget -q --tries=15 --timeout=5 --spider http://example.com
#[[ "$?" -ne 0 ]] && { LED R; echo "Could not connect to the internet" >> $log_file; exit 1; }

and everything worked fine 💯 %

My apologies.