
Missing keys in no.json caused by bug in QUACK

fiveonine opened this issue · 6 comments

Special keys like æ ø and å is missing from no.json and dk.json. QUACK is unable to read æ ø and å from script files and responds width this error after my attempt to add the keys to .json file

Traceback (most recent call last):
File "/usr/local/bunny/bin/QUACK", line 182, in
run_script(input_line, language)
File "/usr/local/bunny/bin/QUACK", line 158, in run_script
context = run_ducky_line(context, line, lang_file)
File "/usr/local/bunny/bin/QUACK", line 82, in run_ducky_line
elements = lang_file[char].split(",");
KeyError: '\xc3'

The bunny is also reluctant to accept special characters over serial and ssh.

The issue is in how python reads unicode characters.

Found a solution here yet? I got the same issue as well.

made a fix where i modified the QUACK script to make it unicode compliant, its not perfect but it works.

@fiveonine are there any bugs with your fix? If this works without regression we'll roll it into the next firmware update.

I have not done extensive testing but it works fine without any bugs on my BashBunny.

Thanks for the information - we'll roll UTF-8 support into the next firmware.