
Microsoft Windows notes

clach04 opened this issue · 2 comments

Not ready for a PR yet, jotting down notes on installing/running Mervane on Microsoft Windows (10).

Also see #148

pip problem

pip install may not work unless a C compiler and Rust compiler is installed due to (indirect) dependencies of packages that are installed. However there are binary Wheels available for all direct and indirect dependencies BUT that requires an update to pip. E.g. Python 3.8 with pip-19.0.3 will fail to install wheels correctly. pip-21.1.3 works fine

pip fix


python -m pip install --upgrade pip

Then follow Pervane install instructions.

Webbrowser silently fails

Web server will not display tab correctly (shows mustache/handlebars template name) {{ openTabHeader|shortenTabName }}

Console log shows 2 errors:

  • (index):69 Uncaught SyntaxError: Invalid or unexpected token
  • (index):1411 Uncaught ReferenceError: tree is not defined at (index):1411

issue 1 is invalid javascript, directory name is "\", so unescaped path:

var rootDirPath = "\";

Possible workaround specify dir in unix format python pervane/serve.py --debug=true --dir pervane/example/ does not seem to work :( (code fix needed).

Issue 2, unclear, likely missing variable due to number 1

I didn't test the recent versions under windows, thanks for the report. I will try to nail this. Though I will need your help since I dont have windows

@hakanu if you can point me with ideally the line of code (or some specific notes) on how

var rootDirPath = "{{ tree.path|replace(working_dir, '')}}";
gets populated on the Python side I can tag-team in and pick it up from there :-)