
'skipRendering' has already been declared

Closed this issue · 4 comments

First of all: Thanks a lot for this brilliant Dash! Thumbs up! :)

In the latest version 2.2.6 I see this error message:
TWF 2.2.6 throws this error message:
[2023-05-13 07:41:51,309] ERROR - Dashtemplates\TWF DASH\TWF DASH.djson, HELP, OverlayTriggerExpression : Expression (JS) const helpers = readtextfile('./JavascriptExtensions/TWF_DASH_HELPER.js')

if (helpers) {
return 0
} else {
return 1
} has generated an error (Jint.Runtime.JavaScriptException: Identifier 'skipRendering' has already been declared ---> Jint.Runtime.JavaScriptException+JavaScriptErrorWrapperException: Identifier 'skipRendering' has already been declared
--- End of inner exception stack trace ---
at Jint.Runtime.ExceptionHelper.ThrowSyntaxError(Realm realm, String message)
at Jint.Engine.GlobalDeclarationInstantiation(Script script, GlobalEnvironmentRecord env)
at Jint.Engine.ScriptEvaluation(ScriptRecord scriptRecord)
at Jint.Engine.<>cDisplayClass78_0.b0()
at Jint.Engine.ExecuteWithConstraints[T](Boolean strict, Func`1 callback)
at Jint.Engine.Execute(Script script)
at Jint.Engine.Execute(String code, String source, ParserOptions parserOptions)
at Jint.Engine.Execute(String code, String source)
at SimHubWPF.JintEngine.Execute(String v)
at SimHub.Plugins.OutputPlugins.Dash.TemplatingCommon.NCalcEngineBase.LoadJavascriptExpression(ExpressionValue value)

Simhub Version is up to date: 8.3.10 and TWF_DASH_HELPER.js and TWF_DASH_CONFIG.json are available in SimHub\JavascriptExtensions folder.

Any clue what is wrong?

Never witnessed this issue. Will check and confirm tomorrow.

I am not able to replicate the problem. Is the dash working fine for you? I mean is it still working while generating this error?

Thank you. Good to know that the issue is resolved.