
on_select method not working when selecting suggestion from list

Closed this issue · 4 comments


Based on the example for remote source example, the on_select method, when selecting a suggestion from the list, is not executed.
my question is: how can i check the selected suggestion?
using the example from lib's webpage, i made it like this:

$scope.ac_option_remote = { suggest: suggest_state_remote, on_error: console.log, on_select: function (selected) { $scope.selected_user = selected.data; console.log($scope.selected_user); } };

The console.log written, is not showing in developer console (im using gooogle chrome for testing).

edit: im thinking this is not a bug, but posting here could give me some lights about the possible issue.

best regards

hakib commented

There is no reason for on_select not to be executed when the source is remote.

If you could share the example (via jsfiddle, plunker, jsbin) I could take a look.

I have the same issue. Sometimes on_selected not executed when click perform in a random place. The rates of fails is around 1-5%. I think there are some problems with ui click event. The rates of fails increase when I use a div element for the label.
This is my code:

var suggest_assets = function(term) {
    var q = term.toLowerCase().trim(), results = [];
    if (q.length < 2) return [];
    var params = { search: q, fields: 'id,assetNo,assetName,serialNo,computerName,assetLocationId'};
    var params = { 
        fiql: 'assetName==*' + q + '*,assetNo==*' + q + '*', 
        fields: 'id,assetNo,assetName,serialNo,computerName,assetLocationId',
        limit: 200
    results = services.getByParams(variables.crudPath.assetdetails, params).then(function(res){
        var assetList = res.data.data;
        var o = [];
        for (var i = 0; i < assetList.length; i++) {
            var asset = assetList[i];
                value   : asset.assetNo,
                obj     : asset,
                label   : $sce.trustAsHtml(
                    '<p><strong> ' + highlight(asset.assetNo,term) + '</strong></p>' +
                    '<p>' + asset.assetName + '</p>'
        return o;
    }, function(res) {
        if (variables.env === 'dev') console.log(res);
    return results;
$scope.ac_options = {
    debounce_suggest: 700
$scope.ac_assets = {
    suggest: suggest_assets,
    on_error: console.log,
    on_select: function (selected) {
        if ($scope.transaction) {
            $scope.transaction.assetId = selected.obj.id;
            $scope.transaction.computerName = selected.obj.computerName;
            $scope.transaction.assetLocationId = selected.obj.assetLocationId;
        } else {
            $scope.transaction = {
                assetId         : selected.obj.id,
                computerName    : selected.obj.computerName,
                assetLocationId : selected.obj.assetLocationId
hakib commented

Hey @majaode, In you case it might be due to large debounce. It would be much easier to look in to this if you could provide an example using plunkr/jsbin/fiddle.

Halo @hakib
If you mean debounce is my option "debounce_suggest:700", I think it's not. This issue occurred even "debounce_suggest" is in default value. I will try to provide an example sooner or later.