
Success Method after loading

drantunes opened this issue · 8 comments

Very interesting and amazing concept. Would be perfect if add a method of success (at the end of progress show successful label or icon) before back for the initial button label.

Is it enough to put a check box symbol ✔ instead of spinner for a second before returning to the initial button label?

@terales I think that would be great.

I have no capacity to implement it, so anyone is welcome to contribute.

@theodorejb @terales

Can this feature gets assigned to me? I am willing to create PR. Thanks

Go ahead! This issue has been waiting for several years for you

Thanks @terales i will start work on this.

Hello together i have finished this long awaited feature and it works flawlessly.
Very soon i will post it here.
Stay tuned!

So its showtime ^_^
Both types are supported normal ladda's and ladda's with progressbar.

In the demo i only show progessbars with this functionality.
Eventually more is planned.