Processing 3 DarkTheme

I prefer dark themes so I made this dark theme for Processing 3 IDE


ScreenShot 1

ScreenShot 2

ScreenShot 3

ScreenShot 4

How to Install

  1. Search for preferences.txt and theme.txt on your computer, theme.txt is usually placed in apps installation directory lib/theme.txt and preferences.txt on my computer/linux was found under ~.processing/preferences.txt I have no idea about their location on Windows and Mac OS, If you can't find them Google their location for your OS
  2. Important! Make backup of both files.
  3. Replace these files with mine.
  4. Restart IDE and Enjoy! :)
  5. If you are wondering, I am using Monaco font. If you dont have it, just google it , download it and install it :)