
Busy Box kernal panic

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When I launched ubuntu the first time it was fine, but when I restarted it brought me to a busy box open shell, when I typed exit it typed kernel failure. I tried a whole bunch of commands but all of them said file or directory not found. When I tried fsck it said fsct to util-Linux(version)

I tried a whole bunch of commands but all of them said file or directory not found.

Which ones ?

When I tried fsck it said fsct to util-Linux(version)

fsck with which parameters ? What is the exact error message ? Is "fsct" a typo ?

Does the busy box show additional information like here.

the error message appeared after I entered exit. It said kernel panic and then I couldn't type anything. All fsck commands I used came back with no directory or file found, I think windows might've deleted all the files from ubuntu for some reason. This happened after I changed somethings on ubuntu like changing the background and task bar.fsck commands I used were fsck -a /dev/sda1,fsck /dev/sda1 -y, fsck /dev/mapper/ubuntu--vg-root -y, and another command I used was ls /root/boot/grub. Like I said all of them came back with no file or directory

This happened after I changed somethings on ubuntu like changing the background and task bar.

Maybe, the system wrote a new kernel and new boot files which do not work. Can you boot with an older kernel version ? see https://askubuntu.com/q/82140

fsck commands I used were fsck -a /dev/sda1,fsck /dev/sda1 -y, fsck /dev/mapper/ubuntu--vg-root -y

I assume that Ubuntu on your "HP Pavilion x360" does not use device names like /dev/sda1. Probably, the device name is /dev/nvme0n1p1 instead of /dev/sda1.

But IMHO, it does not solve your issue if you correct /dev/nvme0n1p1 with fsck. If we assume a typical Wubi layout, you see the reason:

Windows Ubuntu description
hidden /dev/nvme0n1p1 EFI System
hidden /dev/nvme0n1p2 Microsoft reserved
C: /dev/nvme0n1p3 Microsoft basic data
D: /dev/nvme0n1p4 Windows recovery environment
C:\ubuntu\disks\root.disk [mount point]/ubuntu/disks/root.disk Wubi disk

In the example above /dev/nvme0n1p1 is the EFI partition and not the Wuibi disk. And also /dev/nvme0n1p3 is not the Wubi disk. It is Windows C: drive which you should correct with Windows tools if it is really necessary.

If you want to correct the Wubi disk, it is necessary that the Windows drive with Ubuntu is already mounted.

So you can try to display existing mount points with command

mount | grep /dev/

Do I do the command on windwos or Ubuntu,and also how do I get /dev/nvme0n1p1 and dev/nvme0n1p3 mounted on the wubi disk

Do I do the command on windwos or Ubuntu

on Ubuntu within BusyBox.

  • display error messages:

dmesg | grep -i error

  • display available devices


  • display mounted devices

mount | grep /dev/

  • mount Windows drive with Wubi disks, replace /dev/sda3 with the right device name reported by blkid
mkdir /windows
mount -t ntfs /dev/sda3 /windows
  • check if Wubi disk is available, check filesystem on Wubi disk
ls -l /windows/ubuntu/disks/root.disk
fsck -fy /windows/ubuntu/disks/root.disk
  • mount Wubi disk, replace /dev/loop0 with the device reported by losetup
mkdir /wubi
losetup -fv /windows/ubuntu/disks/root.disk
mount -t ext4 /dev/loop0 /wubi
  • check if boot files exist
ls -l /wubi/boot/vmlinuz*
ls -l /wubi/boot/initrd*
  • you can also store the output of the commands in file C:/ubuntu/log.txt e.g.
dmesg | grep -i error > /windows/ubuntu/log.txt 
blkid >> /windows/ubuntu/log.txt
mount >> /windows/ubuntu/log.txt
  • unmount mounted Wubi disk and Windows drive
umount /dev/loop0
losetup -d /dev/loop0
umount /dev/sda3
  • try again


I actually reinstalled ubuntu again,ill comment on this issue when it happens again,and ill tell you if all the commands worked

If your current Ubuntu installation works, backup your file C:\ubuntu\disks\root.disk on Windows. If your installation does not work, you can just restore the file and get a working installation again.

On Ubuntu in a terminal you can check the used devices and storage with

df -h

/host is the Windows drive where you installed Ubuntu.

sudo losetup -a

shows the used virtual disks with path. e.g.

/dev/loop0 which is on /host/ubuntu/disks/root.disk

yes, the installation worked, how do I back the file up on windows, and whats the purpose of the backup? If the busy box open-shell opens again will I be able to restore to the backup?

If the busy box open-shell opens again will I be able to restore to the backup?

Yes, because you can still boot into Windows without reparing something on BusyBox.

whats the purpose of the backup?

If you reinstall Ubuntu with Wubi, you loose your personal settings and data. If you have a backup, you can also restore those things.

how do I back the file up on windows

see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/WubiGuide#How_can_I_make_a_backup_of_my_Wubi_install.3F

"The easiest method is to to simply copy the root.disk to an external medium. In the event that something goes wrong, copy the root.disk back to the Ubuntu folder on the Windows drive."

That method should also solve BusyBox issues. If you want to transfer your installation to a new computer, it is also possible to install Ubuntu with Wubiuefi and then you can copy your old root.disk to the new installation.