
No wired connection in 18.04 Ubuntu

Opened this issue · 1 comments

Thanks for your wubi!
After downloading Ubuntu iso 18.04.05 version and install it manually with wubi, because wubi 18.04 can't download iso or somewhat. I used it with --isopath like in FAQ. It succeeded.
Then use F11 to continue with installing and choose to install with Nvidia (in FAQ you said to use Intel).
And when I log in, there is no wired connection. Everything is fine except no wired internet connection :))
I have searched for this problem on the internet but couldn't afford to solve it.
Do you have any idea?

And when I log in, there is no wired connection. Everything is fine except no wired internet connection :))
I have searched for this problem on the internet but couldn't afford to solve it.

Your issue does not depend on Wubiuefi. So probably you will find a solution for Ubuntu and your hardware.

Helpful terminal commands to analyze your issue:

Kernel version:
uname -a

Used Hardware:
lspci -nnk | grep -i net -A2

ip link


(in FAQ you said to use Intel).

Really ? It depends on the graphics chip of your computer. There is also a desription for Nvidia graphics:

mode boot options description
Nvidia graphics workarounds debug debug-ubiquity nouveau.modeset=0 workaround for black screen with Nvidia graphics