
When will it update for LTS 20.1 and 20.04.2?

Opened this issue · 3 comments

Downloading iso with wubiuefi takes forever and providing iso for 20.1 or 20.04.2 wont work. Most/All ubuntu distros no longer have downloads for 20.04.1

Currently, the download site for Ubuntu seems to be under construction.

We will release a version with download links for 20.04.2 tomorrow. We hope that the official download site provides stable links at that time.

As I announced, a release for Ubuntu

The new download links use Ubuntu is the current release of 20.04 LTS.

If you want install another release of Ubuntu 20.04.x like 20.04.1 or 20.04.2, it is still possible.

Download the ISO manually from here.

But don't forget to disable check for using argument --skipmd5check. If you need help in using arguments see here

Thank you!