
Thanks for the tool, it works perfectly alongside with Windows 11. But anyone tried to make Debian work?

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So once again thanks for wubiuefi. I'm using it on a Thinkpad x230 with Windows 11 and Ubuntu MATE!

But honestly personally prefer Debian more (no snap etc.). And while I know I can customize Ubuntu I'd rather have Debian as is.

I was searching around here in the issues and found this but that's from 2016 #4 (comment) Or does anyone have experience somehow installing Debian? As far as I see casper and Ubiquity is a must to make things work? But I was thinking maybe it's easier to make a custom Ubuntu ISO with Debian packages and the Debian source list then modifying the wubi installer?

Sorry this not an issue more like a question but maybe someone has some experience or did it earlier. If it works with an older version that's probably good too.