
Compatibility with bitlocker

Opened this issue · 4 comments

How is this working btw? with any of the bitlocker types

Put in a nutshell: WubiGuide about encrypted disks is still up-to-date:

Encrypted disks are not supported.

Is there also a technical answer for it not being supported? appreciate the fast answer 😄

Wubi(uefi) is an installer but not a VM for Ubuntu. So Ubuntu still needs its own drivers. Wubi(uefi) can use the Windows drivers during installation to get access on encrypted disks. But it cannot share Windows drivers with Ubuntu.

So IMHO it is possible to run Wubi(uefi) in Windows and to select an encrypted drive as target drive. But probably it is not possible to boot into Ubuntu after first reboot.

edit: Maybe, it works if Ubuntu supports automatic configuration of an encryption method but there is no additional Wubi(uefi) support. As far as I know, there is no automatic Ubuntu configuration for bitlocker.

It would be great if the GUI and/or command line tool would detect that the user tries to install on an encrypted drive, and fail.