
TYPO3 Database Cleaner

Primary LanguagePHP


TYPO3 Database Cleaner

a simple PHP based Cleaner for a TYPO3 Database.


are coming soon!


Download the file t3dbcleaner.php and open it in your favourite editor. Change the CONSTANTS for HOST, USERNAME, PASSWORD and DATABASE and transfer the file to your remote server. The Cleaner can be opened in your web browser. Open server url http://server-address/t3dbcleaner.php in your web browser and follow instructions.

define('HOST', 'localhost');
define('USERNAME', 'christoph');
define('PASSWORD', 'joh316');
define('DATABASE', 'db4711');

Don't forget to delete the files from your remote server afterwards!


How to contribute

Please report issues at Github: https://github.com/halbkreativ/t3dbcleaner/issues