
Install x86_64 JVM on M1 mac

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I've got an M1 mac. Sometimes I need an aarch64-native JVM, but othertimes I need an x86_64 JVM under rosetta translation. It would be great for asdf-java to support this. As best I can tell, it can't do that right now.

This M1 arm/rosetta divide was discussed a bit at asdf-vm/asdf#834, where it was suggested that one solution is for plugins to encode CPU architecture in the version string.

If I understand correctly, this plugin offers one set of JVMs on an Intel machine, and a different set of JVMs on Apple Silicon (e.g. no AdoptOpenJDK on Apple Silicon). What do you think about making the Intel JVMs available to Apple Silicon machines, but under a -rosetta version string (or some other name)?

Yes, there are different sets of JVM depending on the underlying architecture. The plugin stores the set of JVM releases in a cache file which then gets used for all subsequent asdf java plugin commands. I made a change to make the cache file platform specific by adding the OS and architecture to the name of the cache file. Pull request is pending approval

You can get around this by creating a profile in the terminal app for running bash in rosetta, then using asdf to install the x86 version of the binary in a new window of that profile.

The readme mentions this workaround:

To switch your terminal from native ARM to Rosetta use arch -x86_64 /bin/zsh.

Howerver, the architecture detection in the script isn't affected by that anymore. When starting a shell this way arch reports i386 but uname -m reports arm64.

The readme mentions this workaround:

To switch your terminal from native ARM to Rosetta use arch -x86_64 /bin/zsh.

Howerver, the architecture detection in the script isn't affected by that anymore. When starting a shell this way arch reports i386 but uname -m reports arm64.

This is problematic because:

$ env /usr/bin/arch -x86_64 /bin/zsh --login

$ arch

$ uname -m

$ asdf install java adoptopenjdk-11.0.21+9
############################################################################################################################################################################################## 100.0%
OpenJDK11U-jdk_aarch64_mac_hotspot_11.0.21_9.tar.gz: OK

Notice the architecture that was installed, because of the difference between uname -m and arch.

I believe this should be changed!