
In mobile layout, the top title is not clickable

Closed this issue · 8 comments

In mobile view, I have tried to make the top title page clickable to go to the home page like the desktop version, but without luck.

You can refer to the attached screen shot.

I would be happy to provide a PR but I'm not sure where to start. It seems that this part is done in Javascript instead of plain html/css.

Thanks !

That part is generated in assets/js/main.js at lines 39-44:

        // Bar.
                '<div id="titleBar">' +
                    '<a href="#navPanel" class="toggle"></a>' +
                    '<span class="title">' + $('#logo').html() + '</span>' +

@alichampi Thanks for the response. I will try in that area. Any idea why it was not clickable? Any rationale I should be aware of?

Only case I can come up with is that a fix like window.location = '/'; would send you to the wrong page if your BaseURL is something like example.com/example but that's only speculation from my part.

@mathieugouin Hi, we actually wanted to have this on our website, so I took it upon myself to do it. It wasn't as easy as I thought but I think I managed to do it. For now, you can check it out on the header-fix branch of my fork. I'll make the proper pull request after #19 is merged, as I didn't organized my branches properly so there are duplicate changes.

Thanks @alichampi I will have a look!

Your website looks very nice by the way ;)

@mathieugouin Oh, thank you! ❤️
I've had some time so I managed to make a new branch with only the necessary changes so I could be able to open the PR #20 now to save time.

@mathieugouin Just a heads up: The change is made on the official repository!
Also, it has fixes for my original PR, so tomorrow I'll be deleting my fork.